Originally published on May 14, 2020
Do not be anxious
In the midst of COVID chaos I have found much to be thankful for. I have a 5 month old daughter that I’ve gotten to spend so much time with. My wife and I have had time to work on our marriage and our relationship as a family! I couldn’t be more grateful for this time. Gratefulness comes easy for me in this time. Peace, however, does not.
I have lots of anxiety, worry, and fear and usually I can give it up much easier than now. However, I love to be in control. I love to think I know God’s plan for my life. In the midst of this chaos, I have little control and no idea what God’s plan is. So I’m having trouble with peace.
I was recently reading a devotional that said this: Peace is not something we produce but instead is something we create space to receive from the Author of Heaven. It was based off these verses from Philippians 6:6-7:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
I usually skip over this verse when I read it because I’ve never felt that I struggled with it (one of my many blind spots). But during COVID-19, it hit me like a brick wall, creating space for peace does not come easily. Everywhere we look we are presented with reasons to be fearful and reasons to question whether things will be okay. Yet in the midst of the chaos and the noise, there is an invitation to experience the peace of God that “surpasses all understanding.” You can accept God’s invitation into peace anytime through “prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.”
I have always been envious of people like Saundra Yeager and Kathy Boone who make prayer seem effortless and comfortable. I’ve always had to work hard at my prayer life. Though I know that the truth is that prayer, at times, may sound daunting or mysterious but it is simply a conversation with God. He wants to talk to you. He wants to know how you feel, what you are thinking and where you are.
There is peace for you today in Christ that’s available regardless of the circumstances that surround you. As you take time even now to have a conversation with God, assess where you most need peace and make space for God to meet you in profound and transformative ways.
Peace can be easy to lose if we aren’t careful to guard our hearts and minds. Remember that God is always available and eager to spend time with you. His peace is not a one-time offer but is continually available for those who choose to respond to his invitation. How will you respond today?
Jeramin Gary