Congregational Meeting Budget Review 2024-25

Tyler Woerner

Every year the annual budget is reviewed before the congregation during a congregational meeting. It’s being published here for those unable to attend, and to serve as an archive. 

Below is a link to the budget summary and additional notes on the line items covered during the congregational meeting held on Sunday, August 18.

Congregational Meeting Budget Review 2024-25

The elders have based the budget on a projected tithe and offering collection of $950,000 for the year.  This year's mission allocation is 20% ($190,000) leaving an operating budget of $760,000.  

Notes on Budget Items

Management expenses include all costs for our 11 staff members (3 full-time and 8 part-time) This includes provision for our high deductible health insurance plan as well as seminary expenses for Tyler, Zach and Jodi. All three are enrolled in Seminary and taking classes.   

Our building and equipment budget consists mostly of commercial insurance, maintenance on our aging facilities, and special projects we hope to accomplish throughout the year. The focus of the special project categories includes planned projects like sound equipment in the auditorium (already completed), updates to the lobby and meeting rooms, outdoor landscaping, signage, and seating. 

Last year Church Mutual Insurance stopped providing coverage in Louisiana causing a substantial increase ($30,000) in our premiums. We are currently shopping for better alternatives.  

The final piece of the budget covers all of the different TBC ministries and the special events they provide like VBS and the baptism picnic.