Unshakable, A Study of Identity, Part 4

Women's Ministry

January 29, 2025

Unshakable, A Study of Identity, Part 4 (you can jump in even if you missed parts 1-3)

Facilitated by Jody Guillory

Wednesday Nights 6:30-8:00pm

Starts on Wednesday, January 22 for 8 weeks

How does God call us to function as Christians in the world? If our identity doesn’t inform our day-to-day lives, how we interact with those around us, and how we handle challenges, is it really our identity? As we walk through chapters in Ephesians and Daniel, we will look at the writing of Paul and a group of friends in the Old Testament who were a great example of staying true to their identity.  

The world has many opinions about who you should be and how you should behave, but the Bible gives us the wisdom we need. Come learn:

  • Practical application like cultivating healthy community, wise living, and putting your identity into action.
  • How to stay true to your identity in the midst of challenges.  
  • Gain confidence about your identity in Christ and how to live it out, no matter what life throws your way.
  • Be challenged to apply God’s Word to your life through inductive bible study, journaling prompts, scripture meditation exercises, community, and more.

Material: Purchase your workbook at Amazon or Yarrow

Please, register for childcare for 12 and under by January 15.

Copyright Trinity Bible Church 2021