Articles by:

Kirt Boudreau

Truth Will Set You Free

Kirt Boudreau

Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32. Lets face it, most of us are not satisfied with the TRUTH, we want ANSWERS. We believe that answers will set us free.

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Hope for Exiles

Kirt Boudreau

Building upon our first Coronavirus devotional, it seems appropriate to pull from 1 Peter as we find ourselves in exile, aka social distancing, in 2020. In Peter’s day, the Christians were fleeing persecution under the Roman Emperor Nero, who was infamous for burning Rome and Christians, which became the origin for the phrase “Roman Candles”. While we are not under that sort of attack, the opportunity for fear and hopelessness can set in just as easily when the virus named COVID-19 seems to be taking more from us each day. So, what does Peter have for us some 2000 years later?

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